1. How Do I Connect a Wallet?

You can click the ‘Connect Wallet’ button in the top right and your wallet extension will prompt you to connect. Please ensure you are connected to the Moonbeam network. If using Metamask, please go to chainlist.org and search ‘Moonbeam’ to add it. Or see Getting a Wallet

2. I Don't Have a Wallet

No problem! We have a prepared Guide

3. I Don't Want to Get a Wallet or Buy $GLMR; Can I Still Buy a Teddy?

Yes, please email TeddyDAO@LuckyFriday.io and speak to our team to help organize a bid on your behalf.

4. What Is Moonbeam?

An Ethereum-compatible smart contract parachain on Polkadot with a native token, $GLMR. Moonbeam is much more than just an EVM implementation: it’s a highly specialized Layer 1 chain that mirrors Ethereum’s Web3 RPC, accounts, keys, subscriptions, logs, and more. The Moonbeam platform extends the base Ethereum feature set with additional features such as on-chain governance, staking, and cross-chain integrations.

5. How do I get $GLMR to Bid?

See our How to Guides

6. How Do I Adopt a Teddy?

Go to the "Auction" tab, connect your wallet, and place your bid. If you have the highest bid at the end of the auction the Teddy is yours!

7. How Do I Pick the Charity?

Once you submit your bid, a pop up will appear where you can start typing the charity you wish to donate to from a pre-approved list.

8. The Charity I Want to Donate to Isn’t on the List

This is where the DAO comes in; if there is a project or charity to which you would like to donate, please make your request through the DAO. This way future bidders will be aware of it, and we can also organize special campaigns for certain charities if proposed and affirmed by the DAO.

Please see Governance for a detailed rollout plan on the DAO.

If you wish to have a charity onboarded before you bid, please email TeddyDAO@LuckyFriday.io to speak to the team.

9. Is the Purchase of a Teddy Tax Deductible?

Yes, your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. When you donate crypto to a nonprofit, you receive a tax deduction for the value of the crypto and avoid the capital gains tax you would have paid if you sold the crypto before donating. This means donating crypto can translate into a larger donation and a higher tax deduction.

10. Do Lucky Friday Take Any Fees?

No, we do not take a fee. We have a fiscal sponsorship from a 501 (c) 3 and as such our entity is a charity; for this service they take a 6% fee for administration costs. This allows all bids to be tax deductible at the point of winning vs secondary transfer to chosen charity.

11. What Happens If I Sell My Teddy?

This is the beautiful part! If you sell the Teddy, the 5% royalties go to the treasury and the rest will go to you. [Less any secondary market fees]. These treasury funds will be democratically directed toward a charity each quarter by the Teddy DAO members. We see the Teddies as a symbol of doing good in Web3. We don’t envision a large secondary market, yet the secondary sale of a Teddy will also offset some of the tax deduction for the original buyer.

12. How Do I Know the Money Is Going to My Selected Charity?

We are partnered with Just Giving, an organization that has raised over $5bn for charities worldwide, and we will produce a complete audit of all donations each year.

13. Where Does the $GLMR Go once I Win the NFT?

The $GLMR goes to the project’s multisig, which is then converted into fiat and sent to Just Giving who in turn distributes it to the selected charities.

Last updated